Honor Roll of Corps Members
Recognizing Those Who Served
This page is dedicated to the men who proudly served as members of the USAF Drum & Bugle Corps. Their dedication, talent, and commitment to excellence made an indelible mark on the Corps’ legacy.
Explore the names of those who helped shape this remarkable organization.
*Indicates deceased members
Albright, Robert*
Alexander, Joel D. (Dennis)
Anderson, Dale*
Angus, George E.*
Apfel, Ronald C.*
Arceneaux, Lynwood L. *(Lynn)
Babino, Richard D.*
Bair, Ronald W. (Barney)*
Baldassaro, Gerald A., Jr.*
Ball, Jon Thad (Sonny)
Barnes, Ira J. (Joe)
Basch, Robert S.
Bice, James F.*
Bitner, Thomas C. (Tom)
Blair, Richard S.*
Bliss, Louis D., II (Denny)*
Bosworth, John G. (Bos)
Bowers, Warren J. (Corky)*
Brandt, Edward F.*
Braughler, William
Brennan, Thomas J., Jr.*
Brenneman, Glenn B.
Britton, William K. (Bill)
Brotherton, James E. (Rusty)*
Brown, David L.*
Brugger, Donald J.
Bull, Kenneth*
Bunic, John A.*
Burg, Curtis R. (Rod)*
Burnworth, Terry E.
Carlson, Richard W.
Carroll, Leroy E.*
Cashion, Gerald P.*
Christian, Chuck C., Jr.
Clapp, Jerry
College, Robert N. (Joe)*
Cook, Robert A.*
Cooke, Warren A.
Cooper, Billy T. (Bill)*
Cooper, John T., Jr. (Tom)*
Corder, Richard L.
Corona, Ralph (CoCo)
Crawford, Truman W.*
Cripps, Samuel
Crocetti, Charles*
Curtis, Ben W.
Daniel, Richard G.
Davis, Chester R. (Bob)
Dean, Jerome J. (Jerry)*
DeGenova, Peter C. (De)*
Depew, Winston S.*
Derman, Richard M. (Rich)
Diener, David E.
Dietz, Robert H., Jr.*
Dinkins, James E.
Dougherty, Edwin L.*
Dowlan, John R.*
Dunn, Robert J.*
Dunnick, Jan S.
Eaglin, Garold W. (Jerry)*
Eccleston, Donald F.
Ehrhard, Leo W., Jr.*
Eyler, Raymond O., III
Fair, Harold F. (Harry)
Febbo, Christy*
Felder Robert N.
Ferman, Richard L.*
Fernley, Edward (Sam)
Fetzer, Murray D., Sr.*
Filkins, Bailey R. (Dick)*
Firman, Anthony G.
Fite, David P.
Flinchbaugh, James C.
Flinchbaugh, Richard C.*
Flowers, John C.
Foeller, George P.*
Fogano, George A.*
Forbes, Douglas E.
Gabriel, Ricardo A. (Gabe)
Gadomski, Edward J.*
Gall, Herbert*
Gambacorta, Anthony*
Geesey, P. Ronald (Ron)
Geiss, Calvin M. (Cal)*
Genari, Elmer D. Jr. (Gino)*
Gibbs, Thomas B.*
Giblin, Edward G. (Jerry)
Gleeson, Harry H.*
Goodhart, Rodney A.*
Gordon, Nicol W., III (Nick)*
Griffith, Rodney A.*
Groff, Harold E., Jr. (Skip)*
Grover, Roger B.*
Grubbs, Sidney (Rosie)*
Gunar, Robert R.*
Haddaway, Franklin H. (Frank)*
Hake, Harry H., Jr.*
Hamilton, Robert*
Hammon, Philip*
Harmon, John
Hathaway, John D.*
Henderson, Richard M.*
Hill, Robert A.*
Hill, Thomas H.*
Hoffheins, Robert L.
Howard, George S.*
Hughes, Donald R.*
Hughes, James A.*
Humphries, Mack E.
Isenberg, Horatio (Rash)*
Jackson, George R.
Jansen, George W. (Bill)*
Jones, Caywood (Casey)
Jones, John*
Jones, Kenneth O. (KO)
Jones, Sandy*
Kaiser, Marion E., Jr. (Earl)*
Kasten, Thomas A.*
Kiefer, Edward G.*
King, Robert W.*
Kirkpatrick, Thomas G.
Knaub, Reginald H. (Reg)
Kriebel, Louis C. (Lou)*
Ladwig, David W.*
Laird, Frank Mark*
Landis, Eric S.*
Langstaff, Morton (Mort)*
Leson, Joel L.
Lindsay, Donald F.
Lloyd, Richard P.*
Logan, William L.
Lombardo, Anthony C. (Tony)*
Long, Robert J.*
Lorentz, Ronald M.*
Lorenzen, Archie*
Lucas George G.*
Lykens, Gregory P.
Lyons, William M.
Magee, Robert E.*
Mair, George, Jr. (Mike)
Mair, John C. (Jack)
Martin, Thomas
Maslanik, Gerald J. (Jerry)*
Mazzeo, Frank J.*
McDonald, Gilbert S. (Gil)*
McDonald, Lawrence C. (Larry)*
McLaughlin, Albert A. (Al)
McVaugh, Jackie D.*
Meehan, John (Jack)
Meekma, Theodore (Ted)
Meekma, Theodore (Ted)
Meredith, Robert J.*
Micenko, William M.*
Miller, Charles A. (Chuck)
Miller, George R.
Mojica, William A. (Mo)
Moore, James M.
Moore, Robert*
Moriarty, John
Mortensen, Geren W.*
Murphy, Robert J.*
Myers, Ray E.*
Neary, James J.*
Newton, Richard A. (Figgy)*
Norman, Sigveld H. (Siggy)*
Novitske, James M.
O’Connell, Philip P.*
O’Connor, Howard F. (Bob)*
Oiler, Kay B.*
Oldenburg, Richard W.
Olds, Lawrence
Oliver, Billy*
Osterhoudt, Francis R. (Frank)
Quigg, Gerald A.
Quirion, Roger E.*
Rau, Richard W.
Reisinger, Robert R.*
Resh, Jason W.
Rhodes, Jeffrey P. (Jeff)
Richard, Daniel
Richie, Daniel E.
Roberts, Howard (Whitey)*
Roe, John E.*
Roland, Jim*
Roland, Paul H.*
Rookard, Ernest L. (Ernie)
Ross, Melvin C.*
Ross-Robertson, David (Robbie)*
Rowe, Harvey W. (Joe)
Russell, Robert C.*
Ruth, John A., Jr.*
Rutledge, George*
Ryan, John*
Sansing, Laverne D. (Vern)
Schillaci, Joseph S.
Schmidt, Russell*
Schrom, Steven I.*
Scudder, Richard*
Schwabe, David P.*
Schwebke, Robert*
Sechrist, Rodney L.
Semanek, William M.
Shultz, Robert (Dutch)*
Simpson, John P.
Smith, Eugene F. A.
Smith, Howard Lane*
Smoot, Marshall T. (Bob)*
Soroka, Ronald A.*
Springer, Paul H.*
Stauffer, Barry G.
Steinecker, John L.*
Stenlake, Jack J.
Stewart, Gary A.
Stirling, Andrew Y., Jr.*
Strait, Ronald W.
Strauss, Robert M.*
Tabeling, William J.*
Tersero, Joseph (Joe)
Test, Charles R.*
Tully, John F. J.
Turocey, Edward J. (Turk)*
Uhland, Henry R.*
Valente, Joseph A.*
Walker, Norman M. (Cy)*
Whitten, George L.
Williams, Harold W. (Zeke)
Williams, Richard S.
Willis, Ward*
Winzer, Elmer W. (Red)*
Wise, Nevin W.*
Wolf, Harvey C., Jr.*
Wolfe, Thomas E.
Woodford, David C.*
Yohe, Kenneth R.*
Young, Steven K.*
Zarfoss, Robert W.
Ziehl, Richard W.